Student project 
– Yoobee College of Creative Innovation

July, 2021
The Ministry of Youth Development – Te Manatu Whakahiato Taiohi – have identified the issue of closed communication channels between parents and their children. They require the production of an informative campaign that creates awareness and prevention of this issue, and encourages families to connect and communicate in order for everyone to feel loved and safe at home. alcohol legislation, including the reduction in breath alcohol limits for drivers, has impacted on local sales. Constellation Brands want to re-energise their market by producing a range of complementary food products in conjunction with other well known NZ brands. The foods will be paired with drinks already in their brand’s range.
Solution Aims
– Create an engaging and interactive product that appeals to families.
– Educate families on the importance of effective communication.
– To empower families to communicate effectively, which will in turn allow youth to feel safe, loved and supported at home.
Pink "feeling" card example
Pink "feeling" card example
Yellow "funny" card example
Yellow "funny" card example
Blue "random" card example
Blue "random" card example
Final card
Final card
Unfiltered is a family card game, designed to get the whole family talking! The aim of the game is to encourage families to engage in open, positive communication by sharing experiences and learning about one another.
Each round a player draws a question card for everyone to answer. The fun begins when everyone must figure out who answered what! There are three categories: feeling, silly and random! Roll the dice, draw your card and answer truthfully.
This game is designed to be introduced through schools, via guidance counsellors and support people. An accompanying brochure brings awareness to the game, allowing families to choose for themselves if they are interested in engaging with it, free of charge. ​​​​​​​
Inside brochure
Inside brochure
External brochure
External brochure


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